If you would like to include your prayer request on our daily prayer list, please send an email to brightwatermumc@outlook.com.
Please include the person/persons needing prayers with one or two words why they are needing prayers so we can better petition God.
Please give us your name and phone number or email address, so we can update the prayer requests.
We will include your request on the prayer list, which can be viewed by clicking the "Read" button below. If you do not want the names published, please let us know.
Many blessings to you,
Our Prayer Request Team
Please include the person/persons needing prayers with one or two words why they are needing prayers so we can better petition God.
Please give us your name and phone number or email address, so we can update the prayer requests.
We will include your request on the prayer list, which can be viewed by clicking the "Read" button below. If you do not want the names published, please let us know.
Many blessings to you,
Our Prayer Request Team